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Love to learn

Last updated on 2024-04-08.


Jigme Tenzin

I am currently a Lecturer at College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan. I am interested in animal genetics and breeding, multi-omics, big data, statistics, and machine learning to solve real world problems in livestock sector and allied industry. Moreover, I am passionate about learning and teaching.


MSc in Agriculture (Major in Animal Genetics and Breeding)

Khon Kaen University

Khon Kaen, Thailand

2019 - 2017

  • Thesis: A study of association between genetic markers in candidate genes and production traits in Thai native chickens.

Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (PgDHE)

Samtse College of Education

Samtse, Bhutan

2017 - 2017

Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PgCHE)

Samtse College of Education

Samtse, Bhutan

2016 - 2016

Bachelor’s in Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry (BVSc & AH)

Central Agricultural University

Aizawl, Mizoram, India

2015 - 2010

Professional Experience


Department of Animal Science

College of Natural Resources

Current - 2023

  • See overall administration of the department in addition to teaching


Department of Animal Science

College of Natural Resources

Current - 2021

  • Teach and guide undergraduate and MSc students


Department of Animal Science

College of Natural Resources

2021 - 2020

  • See overall administration of the department in addition to teaching

Farm manager

Piggery, Department of Animal Science

College of Natural Resources

2021 - 2019

  • Oversee the management of piggery farm at the college and engagement of students in the farm

Centre Coordinator

Centre of Rural Development Studies

College of Natural Resources

2021 - 2020

  • Overall administration and coordination of centre related activities

Project Manager


College of Natural Resources

2021 - 2019

  • Managed and led the project building capcity for climate smart agriculture

Associate Lecturer

Department of Animal Science

College of Natural Resources

2021 - 2016

  • Teach and guide undergraduate students

Programme Leader

BSc in Animal Science

College of Natural Resources

2017 - 2016

  • Overall administration and coordination of the programme

Assistant Lecturer

Department of Animal Science

College of Natural Resources

2016 - 2015

  • Teach and guide undergraduate students

Grants and Awards

Building capacity for climate-smart agriculture

Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation

Thimphu, Bhutan

2023 - 2019

  • Building capacity for faculty and farmers to adapt to climate change and practice climate smart farming

Bhutan-KoRAA fellow

International Technology Cooperation Centre

Rural Development Administration, South Korea

2022 - 2022

  • Agriculture Management Research Methodology and Analysis

TICA scholarship

Thailand International Cooperation Agency


2019 - 2017

  • MSc in Agriculture (Animal Genetics and Breeding)

Young Scientist Award

The 2nd International Conference on Native Chicken (ICONC), 2019

Suranaree University of Technology, Korat, Thailand

2019 - 2019

  • Polymorphisms in BMP15, DRD2, STAT5B, and MTNR1C genes and their association with production traits in Thai Pradu hang dam chickens.

Best Oral Presentation

The 2nd International Conference on Native Chicken (ICONC), 2019

Suranaree University of Technology, Korat, Thailand

2019 - 2019

  • Polymorphisms in BMP15, DRD2, STAT5B, and MTNR1C genes and their association with production traits in Thai Pradu hang dam chickens.

GOI scholarship

Department of Adult and Higher Education and Government of India

Mizoram, India

2015 - 2010

  • Studied BVSc & AH

Teaching Experience

Statistics (Introduction data wrangling and visualization, exploratory data analysis, correlation, and regression, inferential statistics (t test, ANOVA, ANCOVA, R programming, SPSS), Introduction to Veterinary Public Health adn Epidemiology

BSc in Animal Science, 3rd year, 2nd Semester

Department of Animal Science, College of Natural Resources

2023 - 2023

Statistics, Biotechnology in Animal Production, Project Work, Extension and Communication

BSc in Animal Science

Department of Animal Science, College of Natural Resources

2021 - 2020

  • Teach as well as guide students with their undergraduate thesis

Farm Economics and Marketing, Farm Animal Growth and Development, Biotechnology in Animal Production, Statistics, Extension and Communication

BSc in Animal Science

Department of Animal Science, college of Natural Resources

2020 - 2019

  • Teach as well as guide students with their undergraduate thesis

Introduction to Animal Production

BSc in Food Science and Technology

Department of Food Science, College of Natural Resources

2020 - 2019

  • Teach

Farm Animal Genetics and Breeding, Preventive Veterinary Medicine

BSc in Animal Science

Department of Animal Science, College of Natural Resources

2017 - 2016

  • Teach

Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals, Apiculture, Preventive Veterinary Medicine

BSc in Animal Science

Department of Animal Science, College of Natural Resources

2016 - 2015

  • Teach


Current Status and Conservation Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources in Bhutan. Veterinary Sciences1

Veterinary Sciences, 10(4), 281.


2023 - 2023

  • Tenzin, J., Chankitisakul, V., & Boonkum, W.

Dry and fresh Zanthoxylum fruits are effective in controlling ticks’ infestation in cattle 2

Bhutan Journal of Natural Resources & Development. 10(1) : 44-49.


2023 - 2023

  • Yangzom, T., Dorji, T., & Tenzin, J.

Women’s Vegetable Marketing Group in Bongo, Chhukha Dzongkhag

in book: Case Studies of Successful Farmers, Agri-enterprises and Farmers’ Groups and Cooperatives in Bhutan

Centre for Sustainable Mountain Agriculture, College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan

2022 - 2022

  • Tenzin, J. & Wangmo, Chogyel

Mushroom Production, Bjabcho Gewog, Chhukha Dzongkhag

In book: Case Studies of Successful Farmers, Agri-enterprises and Farmers’ Groups and Cooperatives in Bhutan

Centre for Sustainable Mountain Agriculture, College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan

2022 - 2022

  • Tenzin, J. & Wangmo, Chogyel

Green Hands Youth Group of Phuentsholing, Bjabcho, Chhukha Dzongkhag

in book: Case Studies of Successful Farmers, Agri-enterprises and Farmers’ Groups and Cooperatives in Bhutan

Centre for Sustainable Mountain Agriculture, College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan

2022 - 2022

  • Tenzin, J. & Wangmo, Chogyel

Integrated Farmer, Boeri Village Chhukha Dzongkhag

in book: Case Studies of Successful Farmers, Agri-enterprises and Farmers’ Groups and Cooperatives in Bhutan

Centre for Sustainable Mountain Agriculture, College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan

2022 - 2022

  • Wangmo, Chogyel & Tenzin, J.

Evaluation on Efficacy of Piper nigrum as a bio-pesticide against Sitophilus zeamais3

Naresuan University Journal: Science and Technology (NUJST). 29(2), 84-95.


2020 - 2020

  • Choden, S., Yangchen, U., & Tenzin, J.

Assessment of Anthelmintic Resistance of Fasciola spp.against Flunil-L® and Fasinash®4

Bhutan Journal of Natural Resources & Development. 7(2) : 43-50.


2020 - 2020

  • Dolma, S., Tenzin, J., & Dorjee, J.

Potential genetic markers and their association with production traits in Thai Pradu Hang Dam and Chee native chickens5

Khon Kaen Agriculture Journal. 48(1), 211 - 220.


2020 - 2020

  • Tenzin, J., Boonkum, W., & Chankitisakul, V.

Association of polymorphisms of physiological candidate genes with phenotype and estimated breeding values of reproductive and growth traits in Thai indigenous chickens6

Genetics and Molecular Research. 19(1): GMR18504.


2020 - 2020

  • Tenzin, J., Chankitisakul, V., & Boonkum, W.

A study of association between genetic markers in candidate genes and production traits in Thai native chickens7

Master’s thesis, Khon Kaen University, 2019). Khon Kaen: Khon Kaen University.


2019 - 2019

  • Tenzin, J.

Polymorphisms in BMP15, DRD2, STAT5B, and MTNR1C genes and their association with production traits in Thai Pradu hang dam chickens

In The second international conference on native chicken (Vol. 2, p. 64-68)

Korat, Thailand: Suranaree University. Thailand.

2019 - 2019

  • Tenzin, J., Boonkum, W., Chankitisakul, V., & Duangjinda, M.

Short Courses offered

Crash course on Introduction to R

General Audience and students

College of Natural Resources, Lobesa, Punakha

2021 - 2021

Bringing meaning to statistical practice in climate science using R

Mixed mode, online and offline

College of Natural Resources, Lobesa, Punakha

2021 - 2021

  • ICIMOD in partnership with The Walker Institute, University of Reading, and My Climate Risk, World Climate Reseach Programme (WRCP)

Introduction to statistics for Teachers

Teachers (Introduction to statistics and inferences using school data)

Dechentshemo Central School, Thinleygang, Bhutan

2021 - 2021

  • In partnership with Dr. Om Katel, former Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wuttigrai Boonkum

Network Center for Animal Breeding and Omics Research, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture

Khon Kaen University, Thailand


Dr. Om Katel (PhD)

Lecturer & Former Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages, Department of Enviroment and Climate Studies

College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan, Lobesa, Punakha, Bhutan


Dr. Jigme Dorji (PhD)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

St Lucia, Queensland, Australia


Dr. Nima Norbu (PhD)

District Livestock Officer, Department of Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock

Gasa, Bhutan



I hereby certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge.